DM : Emergency Consciousness Stabilizer
Imagine this: I helped a lady who felt really sick after a stroke. She couldn't talk properly, felt dizzy, and even had droopy eyes. It was scary because if she didn't get help fast, she could have been paralyzed. But guess what? I knew something that saved her from needing a shot to dissolve her brain clot.
Then, I tried the same method on someone who was having a heart attack. She was sweating, her chest hurt, and their arm had pins and needle sensations. I used the same thing I used earlier to help her eliminate her symptoms and shared with my client how he can do the same if he encounters similar situation.
Now, this trick isn't a fix for everything, but it's super handy in emergencies. It won't magically heal your brain or heart, but it can help you stay aware when things get tough.
You can even use it preventative measure. Just keep a colorful Mandala printout with you, and it might help if you ever feel dizzy or take a fall. You can also keep it with someone who might be at risk of a heart attack or stroke to keep them safe.
Plus, with a Mandala printout handy, you can send good vibes to anyone in trouble. Imagine being able to help a friend who suddenly experiences epileptic seizure or even someone you see on the street falling unconscious. You can also send it to any of your close friends/relatives who had experienced heart attack or stroke just few minutes/couple of hours ago.
Just mentally send them a message like, "Help (their name) feel better from a stroke or heart attack." while mandala lamination is in your pocket or open on phone.