Amazon Marketplace Emulator
This is part of Morphic Fields Pass, before buying this thing, try 30 day trial to see how it works for you, if you have already tested it with Field Activator, then only buy it, otherwise don't.
Whatever product you choose on Amazon, you just have to say Brand name, specification/type/other variation, dose you want to experience and you can activate it. You can even choose product which is outside of Amazon, like a drug, medicine, herb, plant medicine, supplement or banned substance.
Editor : In built editor allows you to remove certain ingredients from current supplement which you don’t want or additives you wont need, whatever duration actual supplement take to show effect would be considered and same effect will be caused as long as activator is playing over the duration of activation and built in mechanism to discontinue when the desired dose effect is emulated
e.g. If you want to use this
You would say “Activate Suspended Solutions , Atomic Ormus, ½ tsp or 2.5 ml worth of dose” and you will start seeing the effect/s of it over duration of activation as long as the field activator is playing on loop.
Activate Jigsaw Health Mag SRT B Free , dose of 4 tablets, eliminate all other ingredients
Activate Pure NMN, dose of 2 capsules.
Activate TMG, dose of 2 capsules.
Activate SIRT6 Activator, dose of 1600 mg.
Just make sure you don't activate wrong or inferior quality supplements. Start activating less than the recommended dose at the beginning.
(You will have to request access to mp3 file on Google Drive, so only people who have actually bought it can be given access)