Process Map Creator

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This is part of Morphic Fields Pass, before buying this thing, try 30 day trial to see how it works for you, if you have already tested it with Field Activator, then only buy it, otherwise don't.

Morphic Fields Pass

With help of process map creator, you can activate complex commands like this

(Verb/s) (X) (Y) of (p) (q) at/for/in (a) (b) (d) for (time duration)

Verbs can be Add/Remove Increase/Decrease Start/Stop Normalize Balance change Repair Rejuvenate Regrow Restore  Eliminate Destroy etc etc

You can create a list of commands and use Text file activator to read all the commands and execute. You can mention timing too. 

State your purpose and state do it for appropriate timing

Increase androgen receptors in skeletal muscles and bones only 

Normalize production of Insulin by Beta Islet cells of Pancreas for 12 hours.

Normalize production of Glucagon by Alpha Islet cells of Pancreas for 12 hours.

Metabolize all excess Testosterone expressed in sebaceous glands of face for 12 hours.

Metabolize all excess Testosterone expressed in sebaceous glands of Scalp Skin for 12 hours.

Metabolize all excess DHT expressed in sebaceous glands of face for 12 hours.

Metabolize all excess DHT expressed in sebaceous glands of Scalp Skin for 12 hours.

Increase mucolase enzyme in sinus, throat, chest, nasal cavity for 2 hours to hydrolyze excess mucus for 4 hours.

Introduce Full Spectrum natural Vitamin E (full of 4 tocopherols, 4 tocotrienols) on all scalp skin layers to reverse scarring, restore natural skin layers and thicken and regrow hair naturally for 8 hours.

Suppress activation, proliferation and cytokine production of CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells and suppress B cells and dendritic cells in scalp skin and hair follicles for 12 hours.

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Because of nature of this product, it can't be refunded. If you are not sure, don't buy it, try 30 day free trial first.

Last updated May 30, 2023

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Process Map Creator

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