Profile PictureSukrut Khambete

Mechanism Copier

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This is part of Morphic Fields Pass, before buying this thing, try 30 day trial to see how it works for you, if you have already tested it with Field Activator, then only buy it, otherwise don't.

Morphic Fields Pass

This morphic field can help you copy known or unknown mechanism.

It can be how a certain process in body is performed or any chemical, enzyme, supplement,hormone can perform its function. If you know the mechanism fully, partly or if you don't know it at all. You can copy the mechanism and emulate it for you.

If you regrow hair using DIM or Myo Inositol but if you don't want to take those supplements or want to reduce/eliminate side effects, here is command you can use

Copy (Mechanism of thing you want to copy) (location if required) (function you want to copy) for (time duration) (eliminate side effects like ......)

Copy DIM Mechanism to thicken and regrow hair for 8 hours and eliminate side effects on my endocrine, reproductive system.

Copy L Reuteri mechanism to heal Ulceration in my esophagus, stomach for 12 hours.

Copy Berberine mechanism to resolve my insulin resistance and normalize my blood sugar levels for 4 hours, eliminate hypoglycemia, low blood sugar, multiple bowel movements.

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There is no refund. All Sales are final.

Because of nature of this product, it can't be refunded. If you are not sure, don't buy it, try 30 day trial first.

Last updated Oct 3, 2023

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Mechanism Copier

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