Advanced Servitor Creation
This is part of Morphic Fields Pass, before buying this thing, try 30 day trial to see how it works for you, if you have already tested it with Field Activator, then only buy it, otherwise don't.
This can help you summon multiple servitors at the same time who can do many jobs automatically. Here is a list of them (Read detailed description here)
- Creativity Servitor
- Advisor Servitor
- Spiritual Enhancement Servitor
- Emotional Health Protector Servitor
- Health Scanner Servitor
- Relationship Builder Servitor
- Environmental Manipulation Servitor
- Protector Servitor
- Travel Companion Servitor
- Financial Decision-Making Servitor
- Career Advancement Servitor
- Magical Tasks and Spells Servitor
- Learning Skill Servitor
- Youthful Transformation Servitor
- Beauty Enhancer Servitor
- Love Matchmaker Servitor
You don't need to create any thought-form or visualize or meditate. You can do it if you want to but you can directly use commands like
Activate Advanced Servitor Creation and then use commands like
Activate Learning Skill Servitor for 4 hours
Activate Relationship Builder Servitor for 8 hours
Activate Advisor Servitor for 6 hours.
and more
Once you summon servitor/s through commands, you need to communicate with them as you would do with your trusted confidante. Ask him, tell him, show him and do whatever necessary action you can.